
Easily nudge colleagues in Slack from within Wintro

What is Slack?

Slack is a popular communication platform used by businesses of all sizes to streamline interactions within teams. It offers robust features for messaging, file sharing, and integrating with various productivity tools and services, thereby enhancing workplace communication and collaboration.

What are the benefits of the integration?

Integrating Slack with Wintro allows recruiters to directly communicate with employees and external referrers within Slack. This integration enables the sending of referral requests and updates efficiently, directly from the recruiter’s account, without reading or accessing any personal messages. This ensures a seamless and secure communication flow, making the referral process faster and more integrated with daily workflows.

How to set up the integration?

The integration of Slack with Wintro is accomplished through a simple authentication procedure. Start by navigating to the Settings section of your Wintro account. Follow our step-by-step guide in the Integration Guide to complete the setup and begin utilizing the powerful features of this integration.

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